

Introducing the Diamond Card System

The essential everyday Toolkit for your journey to self-awareness.

Helping you to give voice to the boundaries of your inner self that are ready to be expressed and to be seen.


Take a look inside

Take a peek inside the guide that comes with every set of Diamond Cards. These 34 pages will help you understand how to best use the cards to identify your emotional blockages and their purpose for your growth and development. 

By working through the steps, you can remove these blockages and unleash your true potential and happiness.

About the system

We’re all diamonds in the rough. Trying to work through life’s difficulties and polish up to be the shiniest, most powerful version of ourselves. And it’s not always easy doing it alone; we often progress a bit and then stop because we come to a block we can’t work through. This is where the Diamond Cards can help.

Each of the 58 Diamond Cards represents a different boundary you need to implement in order to live that fulfilled life you’ve been dreaming of. The cards will help guide you towards balance, emotional well-being and freedom of mind. Their power is they ‘cut through’ through the noise in your head to identify the specific place within you that is stuck. This place, the boundary line, is made up of the rules, thought patterns and belief systems that run your life (many we’re not even aware of).

If you are ready to polish up the diamond within you, if you are ready to develop, change your behaviour and your outcomes, then choose a Diamond Card to help you release those fixed boundaries within you. The card you are drawn to represents the part of you that is ‘in process’ or growth. It will also contain a skill or perception that you need to establish for emotional maturity, and guidance on how to do that. Your inner self is asking for expression at a mental or emotional level and is ready to be heard. The Diamond Card you chose will walk you through the process of growth.

Choose your Diamond Card by shuffling through the pack

Relax, breathe in deeply and steadily to allow yourself to become still and centred. Focus on a question you wish to have answered and then use your intuition to select a card. The card you select identifies an aspect of you that is ready and waiting to be expressed. Use the guidance of the cards to help you to re-connect to the powerful core of love within you to become centred, empowered and restore flow.

Use the guidance of the cards to help you to reconnect to the power of being true to yourself.

Learn to Say the Word ‘No’
Your chosen card is...
58/ Learn to Say the Word ‘No’

Your Higher Self guides you to learn how to say ‘no’. Only then will you be able to fully and wholeheartedly connect to your core and bring flow to your life. In saying ‘no’ appropriately you are really saying ‘yes’ to life.

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Who Do You Need to Forgive?
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57/ Who Do You Need to Forgive?

It is time to accept that the events that have occurred are the foundation or preparation for the life to come. Your Higher Self is asking you to acknowledge that whatever experience has caused you pain, your heart is ready to heal.

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Let Go of Your Fear
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56/ Let Go of Your Fear

Let Go of Your Fear In choosing this card you still allow your fear to prevent you from creating the life you want. Your Higher Self is asking you to […]

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Please Do Not Box Me In
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55/ Please Do Not Box Me In

Your Higher Self wants you to know it is now safe for you to commit to your dreams.

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Drink in the Moment. Be Still to Enjoy the Sounds of Silence and the Sounds of the Natural World Calling to You
Your chosen card is...
54/ Drink in the Moment. Be Still to Enjoy the Sounds of Silence and the Sounds of the Natural World Calling to You

You are so very busy that your mind never stops. It is time to stop and reconnect to the beauty of nature. Feel the pulse and heartbeat of the world around you and reconnect to Source.

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You Are the Stars, You Are the Birds
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53/ You Are the Stars, You Are the Birds

You are ready to see the world around you through the eyes of love. You are the stars, the birds and the heavens; you are the ground beneath and the mountain tops.

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You Are Learning to Receive
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52/ You Are Learning to Receive

Your Higher Self is calling you to stop blocking the energy and resources that are there for you to draw upon. The help you need is all around you. Your roots are planted in love.

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Clarity from the Misperceptions of Your Child Mind
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51/ Clarity from the Misperceptions of Your Child Mind

In choosing this card you are being asked to change a fundamental perception about yourself. You are asked to see the love that exists within you and understand that you are lovable, you can be loved and you will love. Love is an energy of connection to self and flow that is there for all of us; when we connect to this energy we feel it. Love is as simple as that.

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Your Addictions Are Keeping Your Old Identity in Place
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50/ Your Addictions Are Keeping Your Old Identity in Place

Your Higher Self is saying you are ready to let go of a false identity that is using the ‘wrong’ energy Source to maintain energetic balance and flow. Through this false identity (role you play for others) you try to garner energy from what is not real. You therefore never have enough energy and keep looking for top-ups from the wrong people and places for what you need. As a result you have entered an addictive cycle (eating, drinking, sexual activity, playing the martyr, rescuing, and so on) looking for energy.

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Let Go of Your Judgements to See the Truth
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49/ Let Go of Your Judgements to See the Truth

Your Higher Self is asking you to view an event, situation or person differently. At the moment your perception is clouding your judgement and you are missing the opportunities being presented to you. Each opportunity is here to help you understand and see yourself in a way you have never been allowed: centred, powerful, loved and connected in flow.

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Break a Pattern
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48/ Break a Pattern

In choosing this card you are ready to release a major emotional pattern in your life consisting of the roles you play for others. These roles and their behaviours were created to meet your emotional needs. Congratulations. You are no longer at a stage where you need to play false roles in order to gain energy for your life. You are ready to be yourself.

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You Can’t Let Go of the Old Image of Yourself to Embrace the Image of the New
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47/ You Can’t Let Go of the Old Image of Yourself to Embrace the Image of the New

Your Higher Self asks you to let go of the limited view you have of your past along with its limited self-image. You are ready to see yourself in a new light of self-love.

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There is a Hidden Contract between You and This Person
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46/ There is a Hidden Contract between You and This Person

The power of this card is to understand that all relationships are based on first having a relationship with yourself. You’ve identified an aspect of you that is co-dependent on your journey to spiritual independence. You are being called to look at how you build relationships based on a hidden contract that fulfils mutual fundamental emotional needs. Your Higher Self is calling you to identify this underdeveloped aspect of yourself and to meet that need on your own.

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Voice Activation; Learn to Use Your Voice
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45/ Voice Activation; Learn to Use Your Voice

Your Higher Self is asking you to use your voice to express your true self and heal the darkness within. Be fully present to yourself and let your voice be heard in the world.

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This Time Too Will Pass
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44/ This Time Too Will Pass

You are experiencing a loss. In choosing this card you have chosen to recognise your loss and honour it. Grief has opened your heart to help you embrace the new way.

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You Are Afraid to Be Vulnerable
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43/ You Are Afraid to Be Vulnerable

We connect to others through being open, but for some being open means being vulnerable. In your case this vulnerability leads you to the core of the boundaries of your identity, which have not been fully set within you. This leaves you feeling unsafe in intimate relationships. Rather than shutdown, learn to access those vulnerabilities within to find the intimacy in love that you wish for. Remember every vulnerability within is an invitation for love.

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This Person Likes to Be in Control; So Do You!
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42/ This Person Likes to Be in Control; So Do You!

You (and/or someone else) are trying to stay in control and this is slowing you down. Your Higher Self wishes to help you move forward, however, your emotional self has its foot firmly on the brakes and is only moving in first gear. Look at what holds you in the slow lane when you have asked for and are ready for so much more. You are on the threshold of a new dawn, a new door is opening and the brake must be released.

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This Person in Your Life Does Not Take Responsibility For Themselves; Nor Do You
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41/ This Person in Your Life Does Not Take Responsibility For Themselves; Nor Do You

Your Higher Self says it is time to stop playing the blame game. Take responsibil-ity for your own life to restore flow.

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The Person in Your Life is a Mirror of Your Fears
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40/ The Person in Your Life is a Mirror of Your Fears

This card asks you to look at the perspective and filter through which you look at the world around you. Your specific way of looking at the world is composed of childhood fears.

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Pay Attention to Your Inner Child
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39/ Pay Attention to Your Inner Child

Your inner child wants something from you and like a child, it wants it right now! In choosing this card you are struggling to see your situation from an adult perspective. You may be feeling unsafe, a lack of independence or control and your inner child is trying to protect you. Your inner child is asking you the adult to help it resolve powerful old emotions. The time to act is now; resolve and release old wounds of the past so that you can embrace being fully present, being completely as you want to be and truly yourself.

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Your Energy is Not fully Aligned with This Person’s (It’s All in Perfection)
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38/ Your Energy is Not fully Aligned with This Person’s (It’s All in Perfection)

Your Higher Self has asked this person to participate in your life to help you find yourself. Acknowledge and appreciate the role they play for you as you play this role for them. Together you can find and connect to what is true within.

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Your chosen card is...
37/ Manifestation

Your Higher Self is guiding you to the sacred garden of manifestation where abundance exists. You are ready to enter this garden and comprehend the beauty of the spiritual world you seek. Open your arms wide to receive all that you have asked for.

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Don’t Stop Trying
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36/ Don’t Stop Trying

As you face the last ten per cent of the journey you are feeling like you’ve hit the wall. This card calls you to connect to your core self, to your truth. The fruit of your creative effort is ready for harvesting.

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You Are What You Eat
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35/ You Are What You Eat

In choosing this card your Higher Self has signalled that you are ready to undergo a restructuring of your mindset, a shift in your perspective and perceptions.

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Your Frustrations are Your Addiction
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34/ Your Frustrations are Your Addiction

Your frustrations are the connection between the new way of being and the old way of seeing yourself. It is time to look at your frustrations for what they are – a pattern of avoidance that you are using to rebalance your core anxiety. The pattern is so successful you now use it routinely as go-to behaviour. Masked by frustration, your anxiety has managed a group of fears and emotions that you carry about yourself to the point that you are only focused – addicted – to the feeling of frustration itself – not your goal. The focus of this card is to help you identify and release the underlying anxieties that you live with.

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‘Yes but …’
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33/ ‘Yes but …’

In choosing this card your Higher Self has indicated you are ready to make a commitment to the path and changes you seek.

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Two Sides of a Coin
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32/ Two Sides of a Coin

In choosing this card you are being asked to be aware of the hidden side of any behaviour. Either you shine the light or someone else is holding the lamp lighting the path out of the darkness.

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Three Butterflies of Love
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31/ Three Butterflies of Love

You are being called to honour your emotional and spiritual growth through ritual.

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Listen to Your Body
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30/ Listen to Your Body

Your physical body is setting a boundary for you.

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You Need to Dance
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29/ You Need to Dance

Your Higher Self is reminding you to use play to connect your heart and mind.

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Follow the White Rabbit
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28/ Follow the White Rabbit

You are being asked to trust the deepest creative parts of yourself to guide you wisely.

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Being or Doing?
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27/ Being or Doing?

The hardest line to draw is between action and allowing events to unfold. In choosing this card you have an imbalance between doing and patiently waiting for events to unfold, which means either you are doing too much or too little to achieve your goals (life purpose). You feel stuck and the reason for this, whether you are doing too much or too little, is you are at the moment unaware of self.

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Respect Yourself and Others Will Respect You
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26/ Respect Yourself and Others Will Respect You

Your Higher Self is calling you to truly honour yourself as a divine creation.

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Your Judgement Means You Do Not See the Full Glory of Others
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25/ Your Judgement Means You Do Not See the Full Glory of Others

The presence of another is to allow you to feel the very substance of life – connection to all that there is.

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Let Them Love You
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24/ Let Them Love You

You are ready to receive love and the acclaim you deserve.

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Accept the Other Person’s Right to Be Different
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23/ Accept the Other Person’s Right to Be Different

In choosing this card you are learning not to judge the other person’s journey.

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You are Confused between a Higher Will and Your Will
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22/ You are Confused between a Higher Will and Your Will

Rejoice that your will and the Higher Will are one. Learn to interpret and direct the impulses of the Higher Will and you will enjoy the beauty of creation.

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Accept the Ebb and Flow of Life
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21/ Accept the Ebb and Flow of Life

Your Higher Self wants you to see that your journey to self is perfectly timed; not a minute faster or slower than it was meant to be.

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Flowing Fully in the Current of Life
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20/ Flowing Fully in the Current of Life

Take a deep breath – you are ready for the ride of a lifetime. Your joy and love of life are intertwined with your sense of self. Enjoy every minute of the wonderful journey ahead of you. Hold out your hand and let your Higher Self and Spirit guides lead you to safety. You are ready for love.

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You Ascribe a Meaning Where There is No Meaning
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19/ You Ascribe a Meaning Where There is No Meaning

Start digging for gold. You have just identified the beliefs and mindset that hinder flow in your life. In choosing this particular card you are being asked to question the meaning that you have given to a particular situation. Restructure your current mindset to open to another form of perception.

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Sign or Symbol?
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18/ Sign or Symbol?

In choosing this card, you have experienced a situation or event that says, ‘Pay attention’. The power of this card is to acknowledge yourself – your flight path to love.

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Celestial Navigation
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17/ Celestial Navigation

Let yourself be guided by the stars. Ask the right questions and connect to your true feelings to understand the guidance being given to you.

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How Will You Win if You Don’t Enter the Game?
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16/ How Will You Win if You Don’t Enter the Game?

Spirit is telling you to celebrate that it’s time to reclaim your hopes and dreams. Start playing the game of life; it’s your turn.

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Let Go of Your Habit of Comparing Yourself to Others
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15/ Let Go of Your Habit of Comparing Yourself to Others

Spirit is calling you to recognise that your journey – as imperfect as it is in your eyes – is beautiful and perfect in the eyes of Spirit because the journey is yours alone – and it’s your gift to you. You came here to deliver that gift.

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Let the Child Come Out and Play
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14/ Let the Child Come Out and Play

Your Higher Self is telling you to go out and play.

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You are Afraid to Be Seen
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13/ You are Afraid to Be Seen

Higher Self has signalled that you are ready to be comfortable in your own skin and become visible to others.

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You Fear Expressing Yourself Fully to Others
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12/ You Fear Expressing Yourself Fully to Others

Your Higher Self wishes you to know it is time to be YOU. Delight in creating the beauty of your soul in all that surrounds you. You are only truly safe when you are expressing yourself.

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You ARE Special – You Don’t Need to BE Special
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11/ You ARE Special – You Don’t Need to BE Special

The emotional foundation that you formed in childhood is slightly distorted and you only feel loved or balanced when taking energy from others. This distortion creates a dependence on an external source of energy rather than finding it from within. Your guides and your Higher Self now feel you are ready to heal this foundational aspect of your emotional self in order to access the love and balance you require (and seek) from within.

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You are Looking at Yourself in the Mirror
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10/ You are Looking at Yourself in the Mirror

Your Higher Self is asking you to face a feeling you have about yourself.

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Your Creative Centre is Opening
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9/ Your Creative Centre is Opening

Your Higher Self shares with you the knowledge of creation. You are the Source, you are the dream weaver. You are ready to make your dreams into reality; you are ready for the joy of creation.

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Your Professional Centre is Opening
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8/ Your Professional Centre is Opening

You have chosen this card, as your Higher Self is asking you to reassess the way you measure success, to be less critical of yourself, and to celebrate the miracle of your life and all of its gifts.

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Karmic Completion
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7/ Karmic Completion

Rejoice, you are nearly at the end of a karmic journey.

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You are Afraid to Change
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5/ You are Afraid to Change

Your Higher Self is helping you embrace your true self. You are ready to come home.

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You are Disconnected from Source
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5/ You are Disconnected from Source

Your Higher Self is calling you to reconnect to your source: Your Self

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You are Afraid to Change
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6/ You are Afraid to Change

Your Higher Self is helping you embrace your true self. You are ready to come home.

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Take a Risk
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4/ Take a Risk

Your Higher Self wishes you to know that you are ready for spiritual mastery.

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You are a God/Goddess
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2/ You are a God/Goddess

Your guides ask you to release yourself from the constraints/shackles of self-judgement to liberate the power of your OWN wisdom. Acknowledge that you have divine wisdom and are ready to share the wealth of knowledge and grace that resides within you.

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Protect Your Energy Field
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1/ Protect Your Energy Field

Your Higher Self wants to help you identify the hidden aspects within you that are vulnerable to energy predators. Its aim is to help you build, reinforce and strengthen the parts of your identity that are not fully formed.

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I have been using the Diamond Cards on a regular basis to give me insights into my daily life. I would highly recommend as a tool for anyone's tool box, whether you are a healer or a counsellor, or for your own personal use.

Jan Stein, Beyond Health Facilitator
Informational Field Medicine.

Diamond Cards
$49.95 incl GST

Diamond Cards

The Diamond Card System is the essential everyday tool kit for your journey to self-awareness. The systems consists of a beautifully boxed set containing 58 cards, a 400 page explanatory book and links to online audio meditations to help guide through the Diamond Process. Each card you choose (by intuition) helps you to discover the facets of your limitations.

Packed with wisdom and insights let the cards help you become the person you wish to be.


Audio Diamonds

Audio Diamonds are live recordings of the Tuning In to Higher Levels of Consciousness meditation/healing groups held monthly in Auckland. Discover hte wonderful world of energy.

If you are ready to find yourself we will show you how

Frequently asked questions

A boundary is an emotional limit. These limits act like pickets on a fence line around your property; they keep other people out, and you nice and safe inside. You are taught personal limits in childhood, to help you develop respect, acknowledgement, trust and other qualities. When you learn and implement healthy personal limits you create strong relationships because you can teach others how to acknowledge and respect you. However we are not all lucky enough to be taught nice, healthy boundaries. Some of us, as adults, are confronted with situations that show our picket fences have holes in them, or that someone crashed a car into our fence, or a past trauma has lead to us create a fence that is more of a steel trap - one that doesn’t allow us any freedom or change. When our fence line is down, we struggle to grow, because all we want to do is re-establish our safety. When you pick a Diamond Card, you identify the personal limit that is challenging you in life right now. You may have crossed one of your limits in a relationship with someone else, or have reached your emotional limit with something and now feel overwhelmed and unsafe.  When you are trying to expand into a new life, your boundaries are often the limiting factor to what you can achieve. Selecting a Diamond Card will help you identify where your limitation exists, and how you can release the feelings that keep it in place.
No you haven’t chosen the wrong Diamond Card. The Diamond Card you chose represents the most urgent boundary that your inner self feels you need to pay attention to. So if you ask a question about work and you choose the Card 14 Let the Child Come out and Play, chances are that you are overly focused on work and need to rebalance your life. If the next card you choose is Card 54 Drink in the Moment, Be Still then your need for stillness, peace, pleasure is critical for you.
When you choose more than one card, it helps you to uncover the story you tell about your life and what you need to do to create fulfilment.  Read the start of each card to get an idea of the story you have running, and why it is in place. When you are ready to release the story, choose one of the four cards to work more in depth. When you follow the Tuning In section of the chosen card, it enables you to access and release the unconscious programming (made up of thoughts and feelings) that fuels your story. The Diamond Cards not only help you to release emotional blocks effectively and quickly, they help you to create fulfilled life. When you choose a card you identify the shape of the world you have created through your thoughts and feelings; what is present and what is missing.
The likelihood is that you haven’t connected to, followed or implemented the guidance outlined in your chosen Diamond Card. As a result you haven’t released the feelings that keep you stopped in the same place. The ‘Tuning In’ section of each card outlines an emotional release process that helps you to move forward, the emotional wall that you have in place remains where it is until you understand its purpose. If you keep choosing the same Diamond Card it means the journey towards understanding your inner self’s needs is not complete. There is either more to understand or implement in regards to a particular boundary. Say for instance you choose the same Diamond Card 14 - Let the Child Come out and Play - over and over again, it might be trying to tell you that you need to learn how to bring the balance of play into your work/life/family/personal life. It won’t matter what you do instead of play, your need for play will keep asserting itself in different ways. You will start resenting responsibilities, people  - or feeling anxious or depressed. The Diamond Cards will help you to identify where you need to restore your balance and stability. Follow the guidance of the cards and use the Tuning In process (a guided meditation) to facilitate the change or meet the needs your inner self has signalled.

This is where the Diamond Cards differ from other card systems. We don’t want to just tell you where you’re stuck, we want to give you all the tools to push past those boundaries. I make no apology for the fact that the Diamond Cards explanations run to several pages long. Each individual card represents the knowledge and healing you would receive if you were to have a session with a practitioner. We often read these types of books quickly to get to the punch line, to help us overcome a bad feeling but used with intention, the cards help you to explore exactly why your life has ended up the way it is. The exactness and precision of the Diamond Cards is where release of emotional pain is gained. Sometimes the answer can be really simple. If you chose Card 39:  Pay Attention to Your Inner Child, at the simplest level it’s a reminder that your inner child is running the show, or that you are reacting from the position of a child instead of your adult self. Just knowing this will help you to recalibrate back into your adult position in life. You won’t need to read the card if you just needed to see where you are operating from. If however, you want to make a permanent change in your emotional reactions, then you need to read the card. To prevent overwhelm, you can follow the guidance held within the cards a step at a time, so don’t read the whole card at once - read a section at a time and savour it. I myself reflect and explore using the questions posed or the practical advice given, so that I can identify my own blind spots. We know shorter messages are great at helping you to identify where your problems lie, however when you truly want to release the feelings and the boundaries that act as limiting factors in your life, you actually have to work through a process of growth. The aim of the Diamond Cards is to teach you the tools to make any change you wish to make permanent in life your life. Growth arises from awareness on how your patterns of behaviour impact your life; why the pattern is there, who created it, when and where you learned it. Once you have identified the origin of your pattern, then the next step is to release it.  Following the guidance of the Diamond Cards you effectively become your own healer, to release any unhealthy patterns or limitations in your life.
The description that accompanies each Diamond Card is divided into three sections.
  1. In the first section the Diamond Card helps you to define your area of growth or problem and how it manifests in your world.
  2.  In the second section, you are shown you how you to take practical everyday steps to develop the skills you need to resolve your area of concern.
  3. In the last section, the Tuning In section, you are led through a guided meditation, that will help you to release any feelings or emotional blocks you have towards the area of your concern. Tuning In is a semi-meditative state, which is a deep state of relaxation which allows you to access your subconscious. The purpose of entering your subconscious is like opening the back end of a machine to make the necessary adjustments required in order to create the changes you wish to experience. As part of your healing process you can enter your subconscious via Tuning In, to release trapped feelings and change your thought patterns. A book mark in the Diamond Card set includes a link to free online meditations that will enable you to enter this state with ease.
When we say a card has a dual meaning we mean pay attention to the title of the Diamond Card, the content and its context. For instance, if you choose Card 30 Listen to your Body, you are literally asked to listen to the signals your body sends you. The second meaning of the card is your body is asking you to set a boundary. If you were thinking about a relationship conflict when you chose the card, then it is likely that you are guided to set a boundary with another person. Another example is Card 1 Protect Your Energy Field here the description tells you where your energy field is vulnerable to energy predators. In guidance section you are shown how strengthen your identity to create a powerful energy field.
Yes, you get an idea of whether your energy is aligned with the goal you have chosen. If you decided to use the Elemental Spread, the four cards you choose, North (Air)  South (Earth), East (Fire) and West (Water) show what your mental, physical and spiritual emotional, approach will be towards the project or goal you have chosen. Again you choose one Diamond Card to work with at a deeper level.