Meditation and Business


The health benefits of meditation are well documented; mediation helps people to release stress, lower blood pressure and so on.  But meditation can also be used successfully in many others areas of life.  For instance have you thought of using meditation to enhance your marketing plan, bring clients to your door and boost sales?  A focused form of meditation can be used to create focused results.

For instance; think of your business plan like baking a cake. The cake has sugar, flour, eggs, milk and so on. You’ve tried baking this cake before but without success.  When you review your process (cake) you look at the different reasons why the cake didn’t come out the way you planned.

  • An ingredient was missing
  • The ingredients were old
  • You used the wrong ingredients
  • You forgot to turn the oven on
  • The temperature was too high or too low
  • There was something wrong with the recipe




In the normal mode of operation your brain acts like an insurance agent telling you the odds on how safe you are and how successful your actions will be. It gives you this information through different levels of stress and fear, i.e. you haven’t done this and you haven’t got enough money to do that etc. You got the cake recipe wrong. This mode of operating isn’t always productive or creative. In this mode everything is about test and measure.  Test and measure is not a bad thing, its systematic and yields results. But what if you could use meditation as a diagnostic tool and go straight to the heart of the problem.

Meditation is useful as a diagnostic tool because it allows the brain to examine your cake recipe in a different way.  When you meditate your creative brain operates and isn’t constrained by the measure of safety.  Without measuring what you are doing against stress and fear, you will enhance the knowledge you already have.  In your meditative state you will be able to examine your cake recipe from creative place and the components of the cake will be explored while you are in a relaxed state.


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When you use your marketing or business plan as a focus for meditation your brain will examine the components from the creative aspect. It will then guide you towards suitable solutions.  For instance you may guided towards speaking to a person who you met briefly several years ago (as I was recently guided towards) or you may be shown how certain aspects of the cake can’t ‘gel’ and be guided towards the ‘glue’ required.

Meditation is an untapped force in the business world, but has immense power to enhance how we do business.  Imagine a world where your team meditates together to create a plan of action meetings would certainly be different.

Have the courage to create different solutions, use meditation to bake your perfect cake.


Lucille Henry PhD.